Why You Need a Professional?
Gateway Shoe Machine Inc. technicians have years of experience in both the Shoe Repair and Orthotic industries. Jerry has been serving the industry since 1954, Steve since 1972, and Tony since 1995. Gateway Shoe Machine has been offering money-saving shoe machinery services such as rebuilt curved needle stitcher head exchanges and more. Gateway Shoe Machine Inc. offers new Landis International Shoe Machinery shoe repair and orthopedic equipment as will as our line of rebuilt shoe repair and orthopedic equipment.
Beyond the United States
Gateway Shoe Machine Inc. will service your shoe machinery no matter where your shoe repair or othopedic shop is located. Beyond the United States, Gateway has provided onsite shoe repair equipment service for customers in countries such as Mexico, Canada, and Japan. Gateway’s ability to service your equipement is without rival. We carry precison and quality parts, and have the skills needed to bring your shoe machine back to its optimal working order. If you prefer, Gateway Shoe Machine Inc. gives you the option to ship or bring your machine to our facilities located in the America’s heartland. Please call us at 800.752.7897 to set up an appointmnet with a technician.
Respected Leader in the Industry
Gateway Shoe Machine Inc. is respected leader in the rebuilding and servicing of Landis Shoe Stitchers such as the Landis K-12, the Landis G-12, the Landis F-12, and other model curved needle stitchers. We also are have been doing the same for years for the Sutton 317 Rapid E Curved Needle Stitcher. Gateway also rebuilds and services all sorts of Landis Mckays, Sutton Mckays, and Besser McKays. It is believed that Gateway Shoe Machine has been servicing and rebuilding Landis stitchers and Sutton stitchers longer than any remaining shoe machine company in the United States. Gateway has also rebuilt shoe stitchers for shoe machinery companies such as Auto Soler, Stanley Bostitch, Shu-Re-Nu, and Power. Gateway Shoe Machine offers you many options for having your stitcher repaired or rebuilt in a timely fashion. Options such as the comfort of mind knowing that one of our technicians will be happy coming to you at your shoe repair shop, for in shop service. We also offer the options of rebuilt stitcher head exchanges. We will take your old stitcher head off of old stand and replace it with a newly rebuilt stitcher head. You may also ship your machine to our factory where our technicians will repair or rebuild your machine and return it to you completely like new. Also, you may bring your shoe repair equipment to our facilities where we usually offer one day service, so you won't miss precious time at your shoe repair shop. Remember, Gateway Shoe Machine Inc. also offers these same services to all the equipment in your shop. Just let us know in advance what your needs will be.
Centrally Located
Gateway Shoe Machine Inc. is located only 25 miles from St. Louis Missouri, the Gateway to the West. Historically, St. Louis has been the birthplace of many of the most recognizable shoe machine manufacturers including: Sutton Shoe Machine, Landis Shoe Machine, Champion Shoe Machine, and American Shoe Machine. St. Louis’ location in America’s heartland made the distribution and the servicing of these companies’ products on a nation-wide basis more practical. Today, Gateway Shoe Machine Inc. benefits from that same geographic advantage. Our central location allows us to serve the entire continental United States when our competitors cannot. Gateway has proudly provided onsite service for shoe repair shops in 48 states, as well as Canada, Mexico, and even Japan. Do not let your location discourage you from purchasing the new or rebuilt shoe repair or orthopedic equipment that you need, or let it deter you from seeking service and support for your current machinery.
Auto Soler
- Complete Auto Soler knife sharpening. We also clear and sharpen jammed Auto Soler knives.
Trimmer Heads
- We offer complete rebuilding of sole and heel trimmer heads. Just remove trimmer heads, and ship them to us for complete rebuilding and bearing replacement. We also offer a wide variety of bearings for all shoe finishers.
Finisher Idler Wheels
- We resurface finisher idler wheels. Also you may ship to us whole idler mechanisms for a complete rebuild.
Stitcher Head Exchange
- We offer complete Stitcher head exchange. Landis K-12 outsole stitchers, Landis L-12 outsole stitchers, G-12, F-12, American model B and C curved needles, and American Straight Needle stitchers.
The American Straight Needle, sent in by our customer for repair, is finished, sewing and ready to crate and ship.